This beautiful and smart kitchen design is made by Fevzi Karaman a designer from Turkey, Ankara who made the kitchen cupboard, Ausilverline, AU, who won a prize in a competition students. The Venere kitchen put a fresh atmosphere to the cooking space, and thanks to its ergonomic design, they also offer great functionality. Available in a wide range of colors from bright white and red to more natural magnolia and iron, the new kitchen fitted with a folded transparent glass table on the outside, so eat won, AOT interfere with cooking. More of it, every version comes packed with a sink and a cooking surface so that you do, AOT should spend a little more for the extra features.
Just as in the Bedroom Inspiration Series Kitchen Inspiration will be a collection of beautiful kitchen pictures for inspiration. The modular furniture is very advanced with a work plan to be drawn into a table. This kitchen design is very clever, and when not used as a kitchen can be a beautiful piece of furniture. Large patterns on walls, beautiful and textural wood grains, lots of dark charcoal or black and white, landscape, these are some of the latest trends in kitchen design.
This modern kitchen collection is in a class by itself and worth some serious consideration if you Aore looking for a minimal sleek white kitchen that packs a punch. To be honest, I think there is much white in this kitchen, but I must admit that it looks fantastic when everything is clean.

Just as in the Bedroom Inspiration Series Kitchen Inspiration will be a collection of beautiful kitchen pictures for inspiration. The modular furniture is very advanced with a work plan to be drawn into a table. This kitchen design is very clever, and when not used as a kitchen can be a beautiful piece of furniture. Large patterns on walls, beautiful and textural wood grains, lots of dark charcoal or black and white, landscape, these are some of the latest trends in kitchen design.
This modern kitchen collection is in a class by itself and worth some serious consideration if you Aore looking for a minimal sleek white kitchen that packs a punch. To be honest, I think there is much white in this kitchen, but I must admit that it looks fantastic when everything is clean.